get it checked out and the doctor will do what he needs to doI have a blood blister under my toe nail-what should I do?
you have to get a metal paper clip (not plasic or you'll burn your self) and apply fire to it and make sure it is really hot then place it on the infected nail and let it melt through then the blood will come out (it won't hurt nails don't have any nerves) TRY IT!
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Leave it alone unless it really hurts badly. If there is a lot of swelling, you can possibly get the nail drilled to let the blood out, but usually within a few days the swelling and pain go away on their own, and the blood spot will gradually grow out of your nail over the few months.
The black mark under your toenail is just a bruise from the trauma. Known professionally as a subungual haematoma. There is nothing that your GP will be able to do for it. You just need to wait for it to heal as you would with any other bruise or blister.
if it dose not hurt you leave it alone as it will go on its own. but if it dose what you can do its heat up a pin very hot and put it where the blood blister is toy have to be carefull though better still go to A%26amp;E they will do it for you
This can be painful but Not serious -----Its common for a nail to turn black from this kind of injure The black/purple color is from blood under toe nail This will disappear with time and healing so best to leave alone and rest foot elevate it as much as possible may wish to ice for some relief
I got one on my thumb and I had it x-rayed as it hurt like hell. Nothing was broken, just bruised. I was told to leave the bllod blister to grow out by itself. It took about 3 months to reach the top of my thumb nail.
Leave it alone. If it presses against your shoe, wrap a little padding round it to relieve the pressure (bubble wrap works quite well). It will stop hurting after a day or two but will take a few weeks to grow out.
Just leave it, its not worth the trouble of getting it popped. You'll find the pain will go away after a couple of days and the blood bubble will be gone within a week or 2
have a hot bath to soften the nail then heat up a needle and push it through the nail to pop the blister(it may hurt a bit but its worth the pain)
the doctor can fix it in seconds with a hot wire if you go within a few hours of the injury. Go to the doc right away before it is too late and will take weeks to get better
go to the chiropodist (my spelling is awful) they will have a look at it for you least then you will know too in case nail will fall off if its all black and got a heavy bang to it
Pop it!!!!!
Heat a pin head up, and use this to burn through the nail. Once thourgh make sure you get to the blood, and squeeze it all out - great fun!
Argh horrible!!
I have heard doctors heating a paperclip and melting thru the nail until it bursts the blister.
Go to your GP he/she will be able to remove it safely x
ring nhs direct
My mum used to squeeze mine. It came out all full of puss.
suck it
Good post. Blood blisters is a rather serious problem. I would like to share a good article on how to treat blood blisters