Monday, May 10, 2010

How do I get rid of an in-grown toe nail?

My toe nails became in-grown when my feet were swollen from pregnancy. Too tight socks/stockings,shoes,etc.How do I get rid of an in-grown toe nail?
There are many home methods people recommend, but the only real help you can get is from a visit to the Podiatrist. They have the instruments that can get in and cut the nail away from the skin. I recommend you see a Podiatrist as soon as possible.

What you can do in the mean time is soak your feet in hot water, not too hot that it causes pain, with 1c. of Epson salts. This will help bring down some of the inflammation and pain.

Best wishes,

Billie77How do I get rid of an in-grown toe nail?
I find if I cut a V in the centre of the nail, then they dont grow 'in' so much. To cut the ingrowing 'bit' out, buy a pair of those leaverage nail cutters, the ones you have to turn the handle round before they work. If you can get the cutter right under the nail, it will bend upwards away from your skin, then cut it off! The relief is fantastic! If your scared then get someone to do it for you. Have a good day!
the only way to completely get rid of an in-grown toe nail is to see a podiatrist.. they will anaesthetize your affected toes, cut out the part of the nail that is causing the problem, and then cauterize the tissue where the nail was so that the nail is not able to grow back

your only other option is to soak your feet in warm water for awhile and then remove the nail yourself.. but having suffered from this before i know that even if you get the nail out, it will just grow back.. so i would strongly recommend going to the podiatrist
go to a doctor before it gets worse.i knew a person who had to have there toe operated because they let it go.
go see a podiatrist

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