Friday, May 14, 2010

Help, my toe nail has randomly turned black underneath the nail?

I'm a clean person, shower everyday, 19 year old female. Could it be Melanoma? It has literally gone like this overnight, I have not injured it in any way whatsoever.Help, my toe nail has randomly turned black underneath the nail?
Hmmm, that's interesting, that happened to me - I figured I had hurt my toe without realising it or remembering it - it seems to be growing out as the toe nail grows out though...Help, my toe nail has randomly turned black underneath the nail?
New shoes? Do you run or walk a lot?

If you ever wonder why your toenails turn black or discolored, the reason is you have a black toe nail fungus. The black toe nail fungus could be the reason why your nails turned black, yellowish, become brittle and chipping or easily breaks away. You can get rid of it in many ways by using over the counter or doctor prescribed topical solutions and creams that when applied to the area should penetrate into the deep layer of the skin.
you should go see a specialist. it could be some disease. that happened to my toe once but i jammed it into a door.

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