Friday, January 15, 2010

How can I get rid of fungal infection of my big toe nail?

Nail is yellowish colour and is quite soft (I can tear it with my fingers)How can I get rid of fungal infection of my big toe nail?
My doctor told me there is a perscription to take care of it but it is expensive and takes nine months to work.

Now once I saw Madonna on Letterman and she was drunk. She told the story that if you pee on your toe in the shower every day that it will kill the fungus. OK I admit it, I tried it and now have nice clear strong nails.How can I get rid of fungal infection of my big toe nail?
No chemicals or drugs for a start!

Scientific research suggests that certain long-chain charbohydrates attached to proteins of cells have a dramatic effect upon fungicidal 'infections', which are a lot more common than you may think.

Simply e-mail me via me profile if you want more information, no doubt there is a solution to this.
None of the contributors have, so far got it right. Go to the Chemist - ask for a bottle of 'pure' Tea Tree Oil. Place feet in a bowl of warm water and soak. Add equivalent of 1 Tsp of Tea Tree oil to the water.

Repeat several times per week. Might take a little while to clear up entirely - but eventually it will do. providing you continue to soak your feet regularly in warm water and Tea Tree oil.
see your doctor
sounds like athletes foot you can buy good anti fungal creams from the phamasist they will be able to advise you on which is best and how long to use it for.
You need a prescription from a Doctor. There's nothing topical that will take care of an infection like that.
cut your toe off
Nail infections, especially in the lower extremities, can be hard to cure completely. The infection can grow deep down into the nail bed, where topical treatments cannot reach. The very best thing to do is to see your family physician or a podiatrist. They have oral medication that they can give you a script for that will treat the infection internally, to ensure that you kill the entire infection, not just what you can see with the naked eye.
see a chiropodist at your local hospital or doctors surgery
I've had one of these for about 5-6 years now. Shortly after my toenail first turned white I got swelling and bleeding around the edges. I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with an ingrowing toenail, so a slice from one side was removed. This removed the discomfort but the doctor did not seem concerned about the fact that the toenail was white.

I haven't really done anything about it because it doesn't hurt and it hasn't spread. But occasionally, like if someone stands on it, it hurts more than it should do, certainly more than my other big toe.

I did go to the doctors again and was given two months supply of tablets to take. I've read up on it and the general consensus is it takes 6-12 months to get rid of. I didn't renew the prescription after the initial 2 months because of the severe side effects - they caused sickness and diziness and you're not supposed to drink alcohol whilst taking them. I also read some tablets can cause either liver or kidney failure - and I'd rather live with the fungus!

I read that an alternative treatment was to put few drops of vinegar onto the nail bed several times per day. The acidity of the vinegar will make the nail uninhabitable to the fungus. I did not manage to keep this up though...

After reading this I am now going to try Vicks Vapo Rub and peeing in the shower!
I have heard that if you remove as much of the nail as possible and then, every night apply Vicks Vapo-rub to the toe it will clear up. I have done this but admit I wasn't faithful in doing it every night so my toe problem lingers. try this and see what happens. Just do better than I did and do it every night.

Whatever instrument you use on the infected toe, sterilize it after and don't use the instrument on the other toes until you soak it in alcohol. The fungus can spread.
Are you sure the infection is fungal? If the infection came from a infection related to athlete's foot, it can be treated by applying tea tree oil to the affected area twice a day. It may require months to resolve. Grapefruit seed extract is another remedy if tree oil does not work. The prescriptions the MD would give you are expensive. The new oral tablet that is out now, I believe it is Lamisil, is very bad for you kidneys and liver. It requires frequent lab monitoring through the whole treatment.

See you MD to see what type if fungal infection you may have.
three options.. 1.go to a doctor 2.go to a chemist or 3 pee in the shower i heard that helps...or maybe its gangreen
I have heard that the pills can cause one to loose their hair. My mother had her nail removed by a podiatrist. You can have the nail removed and it will grow back or you can have it permanently removed. Removing the nail allows the medication to work behind the nail where the problem starts.
Fungal nail infections can last for years, and many people choose not to do anything about them at all, unless they cause discomfort. A doctor can prescribe a medication like Lamisil, but there are a lot of undesirable side effect related to it.
You've got a few choices. Visit your doctor and get a prescription for Lamisil. It's the quickest easiest way to get rid of it but I think it can have some side effects so you want to look into that first. If you don't want to go that route you can head right to the pharmacy and get a non-prescription topical treatment. You usually have to put it on 2x per day for about 6 mos. to a year to make sure the infection is truly gone. I've also heard that tea tree oil is a natural aniseptic that can be used the same way.
Six monhs of oral antifungal medication prescribed by your doctor.
Amputation from the neck down should clear it in a few days.
Go to the doctor, they can prescribe you medication, I think it's called Lamisil.


  1. The latest on the treatment of this is here:
