Saturday, January 23, 2010

What should I do about my big toe nail?

While on vacation I accidently let the weel of my suitcase hit my toe while I was trying to pick it up. It already being very week because i've stubbed my toe lots of times pretty bad, my nail got pulled back. So now about three days later, it's still attatched just to the root. It stings a bit but nothing unbarrable. I'm afraid to pull the whole nail of because it hurts pretty bad. what should I do?What should I do about my big toe nail?
As a life long ingrown toenail sufferer, I feel your pain. I know different thing etc. etc. Your nail will fall off by itself. I don't see any harm in you helping it a little by pulling it off yourself but be careful. Just to be on the safe side, I'd go see a podiatrist. It might cost you a little but whatever you spend would be worth it. You could avoid any sort of complication or avoid the risk of contracting any type of airborne fungus. I mean why run the risk of growing a deformed toenail that wont allow you to wear sandals?What should I do about my big toe nail?
If the underside of the nail is completely separated from the nail bed, taping it down will not cause the two to reattach. Some warm Epsom salt soaks will be antiseptic for the nail bed, toughen up the nailbed, and possibly soften the nail. You can get some toenail clippers and slowly clip it down to its line of fracture. Do not just pull it, you could impair its ability to regrow. If this all sounds like more than you and a friend or family member wish to take on, let a doctor take care of it.
I say keep a bandaid on your toe to keep the nail on, you have alot of nerve endings under there that will hurt really bad by removing the nail. Plus if you are prone to stubbing your toes alot, think about how bad that would hurt with no nail protecting the delicate tissue. OUCH!! Best thing to do would be to see a doctor, you may get an infected toe as well and to be sure that the entire root isn't falling off or your toe nail might not grow back.
Use a bandaid or a piece of medical tape to secure the nail to the bed. If it's still attached the the root you don't want to pull it out as you injure the matrix(where the nail grows from.) If you can go see a doctor, they can remove the nail and suture it back in place so that it grows back intact.
1. you could bite down on something and pull it off yourself

2. bit down on something and have someone else pull it off

3. go to the doctor and have them pull/cut it off

4. tape it down and ope fr the best, but expect the worst (and I dont mean ganggreen cause I think that would be the worst case {hope you dont smell almonds :P})

5. not really sure whatelse there is to do, but if it comes off it might feel better after the pain of it coming off goes away.

good luck
Go to the doctor and they will help you with it. A nice shot for the pain and then they will remove the nail and clean it up. The good news is that you will get a few pain pills that should help you get past the pain while it heals up.
Go ahead and pull it off. You will be fine. When I was a kid I dropped a bottle of soda on mine and it came off about a week later. I just pulled it off and I was fine.

seek medical help

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