Saturday, January 23, 2010

How do you stop bleeding from a dog's toe nail?

You can apply some flour, but you can also buy a product called quick stop. I would guess you don't have that, so use the flour.

If he's bleeding a lot, you might need to see the vetHow do you stop bleeding from a dog's toe nail?
use styptic--availableat walmart or at your vets.if its really bad the dog nds to go to the doggy ERHow do you stop bleeding from a dog's toe nail?
Corn Starch is best
take him to the vet
Keep ice on the nail until it clots. It may take sometime depending on how short you cut the nail. Next time you clip your dog's nails, look closely at the nail and you will be able to see a white tip and a black part that connects to the paw. As long as you don't cut the nail past the white tip, your dog will not bleed. On some dogs, it is hard to see the line between the dead nail and the vein, so ask your vet for some clipping advice. Good luck!
Let him lick it?
I completly agree with bobbie v, she pretty much said it all
If all this wont stop it you will need to go to the vet they can die from this.
I'm assuming you don't have something at home like quikstop for when you accidental hit the vein when clipping nail, but how about the man of the house (if there is one). Many time, men have a styptic pencil or the like and that can help. Otherwise, try some cornstarch or flour and pat some on the toe nail to help it clot and stop bleeding.

Good luck.
You can by a styptic powder called Quick Stop, that works the best. If you don't have it, press some cornstarch or flour onto the end of the nail and apply pressure for a few minutes.

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