Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Had a bleeding toe, decided to remove the entire toe nail is it neccesary to follow with a doctor?

I stubbed my toe earlier today, it was bleeding under the nail so I removed the entire thing (it was chiped on the side) I disinfected it as well. Should I go to the doctor to get it checked it out or is it nothing to worry about?Had a bleeding toe, decided to remove the entire toe nail is it neccesary to follow with a doctor?
blood flow is weakest at the extremities. if you choose not to go see a doc, keep a sharp eye for pain and infection. If you have any sense at all that the toe is getting infected, do not delay in seeing a doc. It is much harder to deal with an infection that has a foot hold (pun intended!)

Hope all works out well for you!Had a bleeding toe, decided to remove the entire toe nail is it neccesary to follow with a doctor?
Keep the area clean and just watch that it doesn't become infected. If it does then yes you should see a doctor.
ouch I would go to the doc

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