Sunday, January 17, 2010

A drawer fell on my big toe and now underneath the toe nail is blackish blueish,what should I do?

the toe isn't swollen nor does it hurt just slightly when wearing tight shoes,this happened early Sunday morning.A drawer fell on my big toe and now underneath the toe nail is blackish blueish,what should I do?
Time and is your friend.

You might lose part of the nail but what you have is natural; having dropped several heavy objects over the years I don't get all that concerned about this stuff any more.

It will take a couple weeks but eventually the broken blood vessels will heal and the color will return to normal. If you arent in pain don't change anything. If you are in pain check with a doctor.A drawer fell on my big toe and now underneath the toe nail is blackish blueish,what should I do?
There is one thing you can do. I'm not making it up or messing with you either, trust me. I've had the same thing happen a few times when i got finger smashed in car doors. What you need to do is take a sewing needle, place it in a open flame (stove, lighter) till it get really hot, usually like 5 seconds is plenty. then when it still very hot, poke the needle through the top of the injured toe nail. the heated needle with melt through you nail like syran wrap. just push it through lightly till you reach the bed of you toe (all the way through your nail). It WILL hurt for a brief second when you poke through to your skin but wont last long. the blood will come squirting out at pretty decent velocity and then your done! you'r toe nail won't fall off, it will not hurt anymore becasue you relieved the pressure and you can wear tight shoes again. im sure you can look this up on the internet somewhere to verfiy im not just seting you up for epic failure but it totally worth it if you toe or finger is throbbing excessievly from the pressure.
If it doesn't hurt, leave it alone. If it hurts really badly, then the pressure of the blood (bruise) under the nail will need releasing, a small hole in the nail will do it, however, if this has not happened by now (Tues) then it is unlikely that it will.

You could always show your nail to a chemist for a quick professional opinion, but they may well try to sell you something

Good luck
Same thing happened with one of my friends 10 years ago. She did not see a doctor or treated it now she is having double toe nail, which hearts a lot and she cannot even wear shoes, but now it is too late, either she should see a doctor and get the whole nail removed or leave it like this. So please don't delay it see a doctor ASAP please.
There isn't anything you can do. Either the nail will fall off (unlikely), in which case you should wear a bandage to protect your nail bed until it grows back, or the black part will eventually grow out. It's not serious. Just stay away from tight shoes.
dont worry at all.its just a bruise,happens to people all the time, giv it 3weeks and if its still as bad maybe go to doctor, other than that -its no big deal!
onlyyy thing you can do wait for it to heal
Sounds like it's just a bruise. Put half an onion on it for a few hours or overnight.
Chop off your toe, that sucker is done.
Wait a few weeks. It grows back normal.
Its going to have to grow out...and it will take a lot longer than 2 weeks.

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