Sunday, January 17, 2010

What is the best way to get rid of toe-nail fungus?

Wear well-ventilated shoes

Take off your socks and go barefoot as often as you can. The fungus thrives in warm, moist, dark environments

Wash your feet daily

Keep your feet and toenails clean; use a nailbrush to scrub away dead fungus, dirt and nail tissue, especially under the toenails

Wash and dry your feet very well. When drying, try to wipe and brush your feet with vigor to help improve circulation and remove dead skin

Sprinkle anti-bacterial powder into your shoes

Make sure your socks and shoes are not too tight

Stay away from buying shoes made from synthetic materials

Alternate your shoes each time you wear them

Stay away from using heavy toenail polish

Stay away from using heavy toenail polish

Try to keep your toenails as short as possible (and do not share your nail clippers)

Wear rubber shoes, flip flops or water shoes in communal bathrooms

Throw away your old shoes to avoid reinfection

Soak your foot in warm lapacha tea (this can be bought at the health food store)

Do not give up! Do not forget a treatment and persist for around seven months.What is the best way to get rid of toe-nail fungus?
Go see a podiatrist (foot doctor), and they will prescribe you an oral medication called is by far the best treatment for fungus, but the downfall is that it's very expensive if you don't have health insurance :( I used to work for a podiatrist and all the patients would have the luck when taking the lamisil. And depending on how bad you have fungus, sometimes the medication needs to be taken up to 6 months. Hope that helps. All the over the counter stuff does not work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot stress that enough. You will see improvement from over the counter, but it does NOT get ';rid'; of fungus for good!!!!What is the best way to get rid of toe-nail fungus?
Wash your feet
Soak your feet once a day in warm water with some corn meal disolved in the water. Wear clean dry socks and shoes. Sprinkle some dry corn meal inside your shoes. You will see dramatic results in a very short time doing this. Good Luck.
Hongo Killer works wonderfully when it comes to fungus. It could be purchased over the counter at the pharmacy and in the spanish section.
My best answer would be to go visit your doctor for some priscribed medication, because I've tried to use the overthe counter stuff and I have yet to get results!

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