Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How long does it take to regrow a toe nail?

About two months ago I stubbed my toe on a door frame and tore off a toe nail. So far there is no sign of it growing back. Could this be a permenant loss?How long does it take to regrow a toe nail?
In sharing the same experience a few times, I empathize with your pain and concerns.

';A long time'; would be pretty accurate, as I never counted the days, and the growth will offer pain in every time you bump it for awhile.

On a lighter note and please don't take offense,,, It will grow back, in fact our hair and nails are two things that continue to grow for a period even after death.

Now the light note, Ya can't keep chewin on that toenail and expect it ta grow back as quick as if ya left it alone,,,smiles.

Good healing wishes to you.

Rev. StevenHow long does it take to regrow a toe nail?
I lost one of my toenails recently. It is slowly growing back. The process takes SEVERAL MONTHS. Be patient. Keep the nail-remnant neatly groomed and you'll be able to wear sandals by summertime.

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