Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How can i get rid of an ingrown toe nail?

my big toe s throbbing and i have an ingrown toe nail what should i do?How can i get rid of an ingrown toe nail?
i'm so sorry for you.

well if it isn't that bad, then you can soak it in a warm/hot bucket of water with bath salts in it. wear open toed shoes for a while, and hopefully it will get better. it also helps if you don't cut your nail straight across, but curve it instead.

if it doesn't get better and becomes really unbearable, you might want to go to a podiatrist. they will freeze it and take out the ingrown part and cauterize it so that the ingrown part never comes back. i recommend a licensed podiatrist as opposed to a chiropodist, they tend to do a better job.

good luck with it!How can i get rid of an ingrown toe nail?
When i have ingrown toenails i go to a foot doctor. They r professionally trained to take them out %26amp; it will help a lot. The foot doctor can even make them never come back again. also, u never go to sleep or anything like that. they just numb your toe
cut it with a nail clipper or if that's not poss go see a chiropractor

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